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Five reasons for the loom market - the second half is different but the growth rate is slowing down
Add Time:2017.08.24    Hits:1823
Since last September, the growth of domestic demand for rapier, jet and water-jet looms has kept the market hot, and the situation has continued to the present day. Will this market continue? What should enterprises pay more attention to in this situation? At what level is our weaving machine? What is the future development of the weaving machinery industry? At the recent weaving machinery branch of China textile machinery association 2017 annual meeting, the guests on hot topics of these industries, enterprises focus on the good communication, is widely expected optimistic about future development of the industry.
  China textile machinery association Wang Shutian said, future development faces many challenges, weaving machinery textile machinery enterprises should seize the opportunity, keep advantage, at the same time to form resultant force, means of development.
  Rational business growth slowed
  Secretary general of the China textile machinery association Xu Lin introduction, since last year looms market popular five main reasons: one is due to the difficult to dismiss workers and downstream enterprise needs to be updated by equipment to reduce Labour. The second is the increase of labor costs and the difficulty of staff management. Third, energy conservation and environmental protection requirements are strict, so that the equipment should also be updated. Four is now the market for fabric demand is higher, the existing equipment to meet the increasingly complex process demand, especially from 2010 to 2012 on a batch of water-jet loom has to use fixed number of year, the need for equipment update. Fifth, the need for structural adjustment. The adjustment of denim width is adjusted from 190cm width to 220cm~ 230cm, which is one of the reasons for the popularity of rapier loom market. In the first quarter of this year, the sales of high-speed rapier looms increased 35.18 percent year on year, mainly due to the upgrading of old machines and the high development of fabric varieties. Meanwhile, the sales of jet looms increased by 20%, while jet loom sales increased by 7.62% year on year.
  Xu Lin told reporters that this year's annual meeting conveys a gratifying phenomenon: after market temper of loom production enterprises are now more rational, they no longer blindly pursue the production, but more emphasis on the quality of the product. In the production planning arrangement, the production will be increased with the premise of stable quality. The enterprise has the choice to carry on the sale, not to take the lower class inferior product order. In this way, you can see, in the past that maximize the preemption market, the problem is solved through after-sales service business ideas are gradually changing, enterprises under the premise of guarantee quality, according to the arrangement of technology, personnel, equipment, increase production again, more hasten is mature in the market competition.
  From January to may, the import of weaving machinery was about $181 million, a year-on-year increase of 19.18 percent, according to customs statistics. Exports were about $141m, down 10.88% from a year earlier. In the first quarter of this year, as the international financial policy main textile machinery import market stability returns, the export of water jet loom, air jet loom has been growing, with water jet loom were exported 1803, year-on-year growth 33.45%; Air jet looms exported 543 units, up 10.589% year on year. The rapier loom, including the common rapier loom, has a total export of 2,893 units, a decrease of 25.5% year on year, which is one of the reasons for the decline in the demand of the main international import market for ordinary rapier looms. In the import aspect, the domestic high-speed rapier loom has an obvious substitution for the foreign high-speed rapier loom; Domestic water jet, jet loom face foreign high-end model challenge.
  In 2016, the imported jet looms accounted for 40 percent of the domestic jet loom market, and the rapier looms accounted for 25.4 percent, although they were down 7 percent and 4.4 percent, respectively, from the same period in 2015, but still very high, xu Lin said. In 2017, the import of rapier looms from January to may increased by 58 percent year-on-year, while imports from Belgium increased by 19 percent, imports from Italy increased by 285 percent, and imports from Germany increased by 72 percent. This indicates that domestic equipment needs to be further improved in stability, reliability and consistency.
  In the second half of this year, the weaving machinery industry market situation, xu Lin said, the company views different, the statement is different. , says most companies can't see the obvious benefit, in the second half of the growth will slow, but because in the first half of the increase is bigger, so is basically can achieve stable growth throughout the year.
  Market segments aim at the high end
  "China's textile machinery has always been learning and improving, but it should also be clearly recognized that we need to constantly adapt to the requirements of environmental protection and energy conservation. In addition, the weaving machine also faces the challenge of non-woven, knitting and weaving process, which is difficult to develop. Wang Shutian argues that, in recent years, the textile enterprises in to realize the automation and intelligent equipment has made great achievements, but is not an obvious weaving equipment, it also need loom production enterprises work together to work together.
  In order to promote the development of the industry, we need to know the level of our weaving machines. Xu Lin told reporters that in 2016 China international textile machinery exhibition and the ITMA Asia exhibition, according to experts on domestic weaving machine and equipment evaluation, big V creel warping machine has become the development trend of warping machine, after several years research, domestic big V creel warping machine "reached a higher level of development, can fully meet the requirements of all kinds of products, the next step is to develop in the direction of the high automation and intelligent products to meet the high efficiency, energy saving, environmental protection, reducing labor requirements; Domestic sizing machine as well as foreign products in lean manufacturing, intelligent, information has a great progress in production and management application, whether domestic or imported equipment, achieves a high technical level, can satisfy completely the requirements of the weaving of various fabrics; Domestic rapier loom has reached international level in adaptability, but it needs to be improved in reliability and consistency. Although domestic air-jet loom has obvious progress, but with major foreign manufacturer (Toyota, thing, tian jin-ju), compared to in variety adaptability, high speed, high efficiency, intelligent equipment, automation, etc, and progress of space, high speed, weaving intelligent navigation system, weaving workshop, reduce energy consumption of the loom and the function of the electric control system and the stability, reliability, is the direction of the future; Domestic water-jet loom in the speed, optimal knit varieties, such as the machine manufacturing technology level of progress, but the core electronic control technology and equipment reliability, durability aspects need to improve, need water jet loom domestic enterprises intensify research and development, improve the level of parts and assembly precision, improve reliability; In the aspect of the opening device, the high-speed electronic multi-arm, automatic connecting machine, automatic threading machine still need relevant enterprises to step up research and development.
  The head of some loom enterprises said that at present the market demands the loom to develop further to high speed, high efficiency, automation and intelligence, and further improve its stability and adaptability. Intelligent, before implementation in yarn warping, sizing and weaving, cloth inspection after the interconnectivity, unmanned workshop to lay a solid foundation for the enterprise, the key problem in the process of weaving warp end-breakage, to realize the automation and process of intelligent transportation, from yarn to automatic cloth inspection is the direction of the efforts. Enterprises should carefully segment the market, study user demand, design and develop targeted design, and do customer service at the same time, and take the lead in the fierce market competition.
  Adhere to the baseline self-discipline development
  According to wang, weaving machines are difficult to make, requiring industry companies to actively advocate and practice the industry's self-discipline, to confirm rules, to reach consensus and to keep the bottom line. Because for businesses, if there is no bottom line, the short-term may be profitable, but it will be a long-term loss.
Xu Lin said: "in recent years, through the joint efforts of weaving machinery industry enterprises, in the domestic field of weaving equipment level had the very big promotion, especially the price advantage has made domestic and foreign market share increase year by year. But should also see, compared with other domestic textile machinery, weaving enterprise in our country in recent years is not enough in the product research and development, scientific and technological innovation, part of the enterprise market development, product research and development. This has to do with product homogenization and vicious competition. In order to preempt the market, individual enterprises are willing to sell at a low price on credit, resulting in serious capital consumption, lower profits and less investment in research and development. Therefore, the 2016 annual meeting of the weaving machinery branch will "regulate the market behavior and resist the vicious competition" as the main topics, and the participating enterprises agree on the principle of "enterprise self-discipline convention". On January 7, this year, in hangzhou, zhejiang province, the domestic main rapier loom production enterprise standardized market behavior seminar, implemented the enterprise self-discipline convention. Shandong day hair and Qingdao tiana red flag two enterprises in charge of active communication, the sale of jet loom down payment ratio and other agreements.
  Xu Lin said that in the nearly one year of the self-discipline convention, the major enterprises of rapier loom have signed the convention of self-discipline, and the enterprises basically follow the convention of self-discipline. Since last November, high-grade rapier loom market has been positive, products in short supply, so most of the rapier loom company sales down payment and the balance payback period are higher than self-discipline convention, so since this year have received fewer complaints of unfair competition. Shandong day hair and Qingdao tiana red flag two jet loom enterprises reached agreement, also basically by agreement execution.
  Xu said the association will work hard to lead and serve the industry in the future. He makes three Suggestions: one is to communicate more and communicate with each other, and become friends. Second, small enterprises should make a realistic positioning of their products according to their actual situation, make differentiated products, and not seek quantity value, but seek quality benefits. Third, enterprises should unify their thoughts and create a win-win.
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